
Delaware dragonfly student art and essay contest entries due April 15

March 15, 2025

Sen. Stephanie Hansen, D-Middletown, in collaboration with state partners, community organizations and local environmental experts, has launched the State of Delaware Dragonfly Project.

Delaware students of all ages are encouraged to learn about six types of dragonfly species and explain which one they believe should be codified into Delaware law as the official state dragonfly: common green darner, dragonhunter, tiger spiketail, calico pennant, blue-faced meadowhawk or blue dasher.

The dragonfly project consists of multiple educational components individualized for elementary, middle and high school age groups. These include grade level-specific lesson plans, an essay contest, an art contest and an official vote to select the state dragonfly

“The study of the environment is not only an important component of science education, it also helps our students learn to be good stewards of the natural world,” said Hansen. “I’m proud that this project also promotes civic engagement, allowing students to use their creativity and make their voices heard. I encourage all teachers and students to visit our website to learn more, and I’d like to thank all of our partners for making this opportunity possible.”

First-, second- and third-place winners will be recognized in each county in the elementary, middle and high school categories. All winners will receive an invitation to attend a special reception Friday, May 23, where their artwork and essays will be displayed at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science in Wilmington. In addition, they will be invited to attend an awards presentation Friday, June 20, at Delaware State University in Dover, where they will receive prizes including books, park passes and more.

Entries for the essay contest and the art contest will be accepted through Tuesday, April 15.

Voting for the state dragonfly will also begin April 15, with the winning dragonfly to be announced  Monday, May 5. To learn more, go to the State of Delaware Dragonfly Project website at

This project was created in partnership with the Delaware Department of Education, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, the Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Daughters of the American Revolution, Mt. Cuba Center, the Delaware Native Species Commission, the Delaware Nature Society, the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science, local artist John Donato, the Nature Conservancy, Amazon, and local dragonfly and environmental experts.


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